Application Requirements

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Approval by Geneva College for students to study off-campus is based on the following criteria:

  • GPA of 2.5 or above
  • Must be applying to an approved Geneva College program.
  • Currently not on conduct probation or subject to being placed on conduct probation
  • Student’s charges for the semester off-campus must be paid in full before departure.
  • All required forms completed and signed (contact the Crossroads office for more details).

Students participating in an off-campus program will:

  • Be invoiced on their student account, standard Geneva College tuition or the Program tuition, whichever is higher, and the Room & Board charges associated with each program. (See for current rates.)
  • Be charged an off-campus study administrative fee.
  • Be eligible for 100% of Federal/State and outside scholarships. (assuming the off campus courses are “eligible credits” or needed for their degree)
  • Be charged Geneva tuition for the cost of any extra course they register to take from Geneva College (independent study, online, etc.) while participating in their Off-Campus program.
  • Be limited to funding for one off-campus experience.

I want to go! What steps to I need to take?

  • Stop by Crossroads to pick up an information check list for your desired program along with the required forms.
  • Apply online to the program of choice
  • Inform Crossroads of your application

I have been accepted! Now what?

  • Inform Crossroads of your acceptance
  • Complete a Course Approval form (available from Crossroads) and return the form to Crossroads
  • If you have not already done so, complete and submit all other required forms
  • If studying outside of the United States, attend the required Pre-departure Seminar provided by Crossroads (time and date is announced each semester)

How do I contact Crossroads?
